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Girl Scout Brownie Insignia, Badges & Awards
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1st Cookie Sale Fun Patch My First Cookie Booth Fun Patch My First Cookie Booth Fun Patch
All Fun Patches are unofficial and are not to be worn on the front of the Girl Scout sash, vest or tunic.
All Fun Patches are unofficial and are not to be worn on the front of the Girl Scout sash, vest or tunic.
All Fun Patches are unofficial and are not to be worn on the front of the Girl Scout sash, vest or tunic.
Brownie Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey Award Brownie Think Like a Programmer Journey Award Brownie Think Like an Engineer Journey Award

Girls practice the Scientific Method through a citizen science project focused on the outdoors. Girl Scouts has partnered with SciStarter, a website that allows data collected by girls to become part of national studies.

The requirements to earn this Journey are exclusively on the Volunteer Toolkit. All Leaders should have access to this via their MyGS community on If you have trouble accessing the Volunteer Toolkit, please contact the council for assistance.

Girls explore the ways programmers solve problems though activities and games designed to teach them to Think Like a Programmer!

The requirements to earn this Journey are exclusively on the Volunteer Toolkit. All Leaders should have access to this via their MyGS community on If you have trouble accessing the Volunteer Toolkit, please contact the council for assistance.

Girls learn how to Think Like an Engineer through hands-on building and design challenges.

The requirements to earn this Journey are exclusively on the Volunteer Toolkit. All Leaders should have access to this via their MyGS community on If you have trouble accessing the Volunteer Toolkit, please contact the council for assistance.
Brownie Take Action Journey Award World Thinking Day 2019 NEW!  Bridging Kits - Bridge to Brownies
World Thinking Day 2019
Our Price: $3.00
Sale Price: $1.50
Save $1.50!

The Take Action Award is earned as part of the 4 new Journeys - Think Like an Engineer, Think Like a Programmer, Think Like a Citizen Scientist, and the Outdoors Journey. Girls must complete a Take Action project relevant to what they've learned on their Journey and earn the Journey Award plus the Take Action award when finished. Girls who complete multiple of these new Journeys will complete a unique Take Action project for each Journey and will earn the Take Action award multiple times.

The requirements to earn this Journey are exclusively on the Volunteer Toolkit. All Leaders should have access to this via their MyGS community on If you have trouble accessing the Volunteer Toolkit, please contact the council for assistance.

Each year on February 22, girls participate in activities and projects with global themes to honor their sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in other countries. It is a special day in the Girl Scout year when we remember we are part of a worldwide movement.

The 2019 World Thinking Day Theme is Leadership! This year, we'll celebrate the different ways in which Girl Scouts and their sister Girl Guides become leaders and develop the power to bring the change they want to see in the world. Let's celebrate, learn about and participate in all of the amazing ways our global movement has impacted each of us in our communities.

The World Thinking Day award is an Official Award and therefore it may be worn on the front of the Official Uniform sash or vest and placed where other earned badges are worn. 2" round sew-on photo patch. Made in USA.

Click Here for Earning Requirements.
Bridge to Brownie Girl Scouts is worn on the Brownie sash or vest directly under the Membership Stars.