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Girl Scout Junior Insignia, Badges & Awards
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1st Cookie Sale Fun Patch My First Cookie Booth Fun Patch My First Cookie Booth Fun Patch
All Fun Patches are unofficial and are not to be worn on the front of the Girl Scout sash, vest or tunic.
All Fun Patches are unofficial and are not to be worn on the front of the Girl Scout sash, vest or tunic.
All Fun Patches are unofficial and are not to be worn on the front of the Girl Scout sash, vest or tunic.
World Thinking Day 2019 Junior - Eco Camper Badge NEW! - Bridging Kit - Bridge to Juniors
World Thinking Day 2019
Our Price: $3.00
Sale Price: $1.50
Save $1.50!

Each year on February 22, girls participate in activities and projects with global themes to honor their sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in other countries. It is a special day in the Girl Scout year when we remember we are part of a worldwide movement.

The 2019 World Thinking Day Theme is Leadership! This year, we'll celebrate the different ways in which Girl Scouts and their sister Girl Guides become leaders and develop the power to bring the change they want to see in the world. Let's celebrate, learn about and participate in all of the amazing ways our global movement has impacted each of us in our communities.

The World Thinking Day award is an Official Award and therefore it may be worn on the front of the Official Uniform sash or vest and placed where other earned badges are worn. 2" round sew-on photo patch. Made in USA.

Click Here for Earning Requirements.
Whenever you step outdoors, you are a guest in nature's home. This is especially true when it comes to camping. Whether or not you've been camping before, you will earn this badge by learning how to protect the environment on your trip. It will shape the way you camp forever!

For the third year in a row, this new Outdoor badge was selected through the Girl Scout "Girls' Choice" process.

Girls cast their votes and selected the badge topics and designs, making the process girl-led from top to bottom. Iron-on. Twill with embroidery. Polyester. Made in USA.

Girl Scout badges, awards, and other insignia that are earned for the accomplishment of skill building activities or any set requirements should be presented, worn, or displayed only after Girl Scouts have completed the requirements outlined in the appropriate program materials.

Click here to purchase the requirements to earn this badge!
Bridge to Junior Girl Scouts is worn on the Junior sash or vest directly under the Membership Stars.
Junior - Paddle Boat Design Challenge Global Action 2019 Junior - Art and Design Badge
Global Action 2019
Our Price: $3.00
Sale Price: $1.50
Save $1.50!
Welcome to the world of mechanical engineering! When you’ve earned these three badges, you’ll know how to use the Design Thinking Process to solve problems like an engineer. Every day, a mechanical engineer invents another machine to help people or solve a problem—such as nonpolluting cars or a better hearing aid.
Who knows what machines we’ll need next! If solving problems excites you, you may want to think about becoming a mechanical engineer so that you can invent these machines yourself!

This badge is one of three Design Challenge badges for Juniors. Information about earning these badges can be found in the Year Plans on the Volunteer Toolkit.

Girl Scout badges, awards, and other insignia that are earned for the accomplishment of skill building activities or any set requirements should be presented, worn, or displayed only after Girl Scouts have completed the requirements outlined in the appropriate program materials
Each year, Girl Scouts of all levels can earn the Girl Scout Global Action award. This award connects the WAGGGS sisterhood by helping girls work together to make a difference on topics that affect girls and women all over the world.

The Girl Scout Global Action award focuses on the Global Goals. In 2015, leaders from all over the world agreed to work together to accomplish 17 goals by 2030. The Global Goals (also called Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs for short) focus on taking care of the environment, making sure all people have enough to eat, and improving people’s health. They’re big goals, but Girl Scouts know a thing or two about changing the world!

This year, the Global Action Award focuses on Goal 1: No Poverty and Goal 15: Life on Land. Girls can earn their Global Action Award by discovering, connecting and taking action on these goals through the Global Action Award activities.

The Global Action Award is an official national award, so you can wear it on the front of your vest or sash, just like a badge. 2" round sew-on photo patch. Made in USA.

Click here for Earning Requirements

Earned Iron-On Badge