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My Promise, My Faith Pin (Ambassador-Year 1) My Promise, My Faith Pin (Ambassador-Year 2) NEW! Bridging Kits - Bridge To Ambassador
The My Promise, My Faith Pin is earned by girls who want to find out what their faith and Girl Scouting have in common, using the Girl Scout Law as a guide. There is a different pin for each year a Girl Scout earns the recognition. Girls can earn this pin once a year at each grade level. The color of the pin corresponds to Girl Scout Ambassador grade level color. Imported. The My Promise, My Faith Pin is earned by girls who want to find out what their faith and Girl Scouting have in common, using the Girl Scout Law as a guide. There is a different pin for each year a Girl Scout earns the recognition. Girls can earn this pin once a year at each grade level. The color of the pin corresponds to Girl Scout Ambassador grade level color. Imported. Congratulations are in order as she soars from Senior to Ambassador. This kit was designed for Seniors who have completed their activities and are ready to take their experience to new heights as an Ambassador.

Includes: Girl Scout Bridging Certificate, Bridge to Ambassador Iron-On Award, Girl Scout Membership Star Pin, Senior
Membership Disc, and an exclusive Bridging Pencil. In clear plastic bag.

Moving from one Girl Scout grade level to another is called bridging. The Bridging Award is earned by completing a set of activities described in the Earning the Bridge to Girl Scout Ambassador Award document. These activities help a girl learn about the next grade level they are entering.
Safety Award Pin (Ambassador) Ambassdor Community Service Bar Ambassador Leadership Award Pin
The updated Safety Award Pin is earned by following a five step process for staying safe, tailored to Girl Scout Ambassadors. The color of the cross on the pin corresponds to the Ambassador grade level color. Imported.
Girl Scout badges, awards, and other insignia that are earned for the accomplishment of skill building activities or any set requirements should be presented, worn, or displayed only after Girl Scouts have completed the requirements outlined in the appropriate program materials.
The Ambassador Community Service Bar is earned by making a difference in the community and practicing the values of the Girl Scout Law. It is also a way for girls to get involved with a cause they care about. The Gold Torch award recognizes a Girl Scout Ambassador who acts as a leader in her community. The award is earned by completing one Ambassador National Leadership Journey and serving in a leadership position at a school, place of worship, library, or similar organization.
Green Ambassador Girl Scout Service Bar Volunteer in Training (VIT) Counselor in Training 1 (CIT I)
The Ambassador Service to Girl Scouting bar is earned by volunteering at least 20 hours to the Girl Scout organization. An Ambassador can volunteer at a special event for younger girls, be an office assistant for their council or service unit or help with special projects.
Girl Scout badges, awards, and other insignia that are earned for the accomplishment of skill building activities or any set requirements should be presented, worn, or displayed only after Girl Scouts have completed the requirements outlined in the appropriate program materials.
This award is for girls who'd like to mentor a Girl Scout Daisy, Brownie, Junior or Cadette group outside of the camp experience. Girls who have completed ninth grade, are eligible to earn this award.
Girl Scout badges, awards, and other insignia that are earned for the accomplishment of skill building activities or any set requirements should be presented, worn, or displayed only after Girl Scouts have completed the requirements outlined in the appropriate program materials.
Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors mentor young girls in a camp setting as they build skills toward becoming a camp counselor. To earn this award Girl Scouts complete a leadership course designed by the council on outdoor experiences and work with younger girls over the course of a camp session.
Girl Scout badges, awards, and other insignia that are earned for the accomplishment of skill building activities or any set requirements should be presented, worn, or displayed only after Girl Scouts have completed the requirements outlined in the appropriate program materials.