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NEW! Bridging Kits - Bridge to Seniors NEW! - Bridging Kit - Bridge to Juniors NEW! Bridging Kit - Bridge to Cadette
Moving from one Girl Scout age level to another is called bridging. Bridge to Junior Girl Scouts is worn on the Junior sash or vest directly under the Membership Stars. Bridge to Cadette Girl Scouts is worn on the Cadette sash or vest directly under the Brownie Wings.
NEW! Bridging Kits - Bridge To Ambassador
Congratulations are in order as she soars from Senior to Ambassador. This kit was designed for Seniors who have completed their activities and are ready to take their experience to new heights as an Ambassador.

Includes: Girl Scout Bridging Certificate, Bridge to Ambassador Iron-On Award, Girl Scout Membership Star Pin, Senior
Membership Disc, and an exclusive Bridging Pencil. In clear plastic bag.

Moving from one Girl Scout grade level to another is called bridging. The Bridging Award is earned by completing a set of activities described in the Earning the Bridge to Girl Scout Ambassador Award document. These activities help a girl learn about the next grade level they are entering.