Use this feature to quickly add multiple Daisy Earned Badges and Leaves to your cart! For details about each badge, please find the individual listings here
Groups of people are called communities. You're part of many communities! Your Daisy troop is one, and so is your class at school! You can help your communities by being a good neighbor.Girl Scout badges, awards, and other insignia that are earned for the accomplishment of skill building activities or any set requirements should be presented, worn, or displayed only after Girl Scouts have completed the requirements outlined in the appropriate program materials. Click here to purchase the requirements for earning this badge!
Introducing Daisy Badges!
Earned Badge
Have some fun getting into the toy business!1. Come up with an idea for a toy2. Make your idea even better3. Pitch your ideaWhen you've earned this badge, you will have come up with an idea for a toy, designed it, made it better, and shared it - just like an entrepreneur!
For the first time ever, Daisies have their own "Girls' Choice" badge.Camping is an adventure! You play in nature, eat outside and sleep under the stars with your family or buddies--your buddies could be girls in your troop or other friends. Are you ready to go camping?Girls cast their votes and selected the badge topics and designs, making the process girl-led from top to bottom. Iron-on. Twill with embroidery. Polyester. Made in USA.Girl Scout badges, awards, and other insignia that are earned for the accomplishment of skill building activities or any set requirements should be presented, worn, or displayed only after Girl Scouts have completed the requirements outlined in the appropriate program materials. Click here to purchase the requirements for earning this badge!